The Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy is a large hyper-maritime area centered on Laredo Inlet, a long protected inlet on Princess Royal Island, the fourth largest island in BC. The conservancy encompasses many small estuaries, wetlands, floodplains, and avalanche chute habitats. Reefs, pocket beaches, tiny sheltered bays and rich inter-tidal marine life characterize the diverse shorelines of the islands contained within this conservancy.

This Conservancy is in the territory of Kitasoo Xai’xais First Nation who collaboratively manages the area with BC Parks. While visiting Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy, please respect the land, water, and cultural, wildlife, and heritage values.

image credit: Moonfish Media


Any maps listed are for information only – they may not represent legal boundaries and should not be used for navigation.

Cultural Zones

No land access is permitted in the Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy Cultural Zones.

image credit: Moonfish Media