Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada funds five social programs: Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment, Assisted Living, Family Violence Prevention, and First Nations Child and Family Services.

These services help First Nation communities meet basic and special needs; support employability and attachment to the workforce; and ensure that individuals and families are safe.

The Social Development Office is located in the Kitasoo Band Office.

Community Wellness

The Social Development department organizes Community Wellness Week to promote family wellness. Past activities included, job preparation, healthy eating information sessions, and life skills & cultural teachings. Advertisements will be posted when the wellness week will take place. This department also assists with the “Eating for Health” Snack and Food Hamper Programs, which are delivered by the Kitasoo Community School.


Summer: 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Monday – Thursday

To book an appointment:

Band office receptionist at (250) 839 – 1255 or Social Development, Shannon Edgar at (250) 839 – 1257.