Data & Referrals Management

As part of the Reconciliation Protocol Agreement (2009), the Kitasoo Xai’xais (and other members of Coastal First Nations) have agreed to adhere to an Engagement Framework with the Province when considering development applications proposed within their respective territories. The Engagement Framework establishes a defined process by which Nations and the Province connect, review, discuss and come to agreed recommendations about proposed resource development. The Kitasoo Xai’xais may also engage directly with industry proponents in assessing development proposals.

The RSD referrals service is set up to manage KX engagement and facilitate dialogue with proponents and decision-makers regarding development applications submitted to the Province. This helps to ensure that the KX are informed about all resource development activities proposed or ongoing within the territory.


This work includes coordinating and analyzing KX data and presenting this data in usable forms to support planning and management decisions. KX Data is information collected by the KX Nation about land, marine, and cultural resources. Data management is an important component of the referrals service as it provides quick and easy access to supporting information to be used when developing reports and communications about resource development proposals.

To help in organizing and managing this work, the RSD uses referral tracking and information management software through a program called CEDAR. This program allows the RSD to organize information in a way that better supports efficient management and decision-making, for example, use of GIS (for mapping) and development of resource data catalogues.

By responding to provincial engagement about development applications the RSD helps to ensure that KX title, rights, values, interests and traditions are incorporated into decision-making and that a consistent and rules-based process for handling tenure applications is achieved.

In general, tenure and authorization referrals are directed to the Kitasoo Band Council where RSD referral and data coordination staff:

  • Research the applications
  • Formulate reports for the Kitasoo based upon existing First Nation land use planning, cultural and resource data, and data from federal, provincial, local and non-governmental sources
  • Develop a written response to the referral
  • Facilitate dialogue between the KX and the province aimed at addressing First Nation issues or concerns with the application.

Key Aspects of KX Territory That Require Stewardship

  1. Kitasoo Xai’xais archaeological and heritage sites and values (old village sites, burial grounds etc.)
  2. Traditional hunting, fishing and gathering areas of the Kitasoo Xai’xais people
  3. Important salmon spawning and fisheries habitat
  4. Biodiversity values
  5. Other wildlife values and habitat
  6. Scenic and recreation values
  7. Employment and economic development potential
  8. High-use areas of the Kitasoo Xaixais people
  9. Other Kitasoo Xai’xais cultural values

The RSD is also engaged in the review of major proposals for oil and LNG handling and transportation in the region.

image credit: Moonfish Media