Kitasoo Seafoods LP has been operating since 1986, managing and fishing several wild seafood commercial fishing licenses. The mission of Kitasoo Seafoods is to create quality employment opportunities for the community, and has an agreement with Mowi Canada West that ensures the fish processing plant and fish farms employ a vast majority of locals. Kitasoo Seafoods Works cooperatively with the Central Coast Commercial Fisheries Association (CCCFA) and other First Nations on the Central Coast on a fishing company that manages some commercial fishing licenses. Kitasoo Seafoods is the largest employer in Klemtu, providing jobs to approximately 50 community members.

Fish Plant
Kitasoo Seafoods has two separately registered processing plants in Klemtu. The first processes farmed salmon from the six farm sites in Kitasoo Xai’xais territory and provides full time employment for 6-9 months of the year. The second plant processes wild seafoods, currently sea cucumber and herring roe on kelp.
Kitasoo Seafoods holds six salmon farm tenures on behalf of the community, currently leased and operated by Mowi Canada West through a protocol agreement. These farms provide over 20 full-time, year-round jobs for community members.
There is a protocol agreement in place that has strict environmental sustainability requirements and includes significant independent environmental monitoring by Kitasoo Fisheries (over and above monitoring provided to other government agencies) regarding sea lice levels on wild salmon, contaminant sampling of wild resources used by locals, and biodiversity impacts near farms. Continued operations by Mowi Canada West depend on environmental performance of the farms to the satisfaction of Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation.

Fishing Vessels
There are two fishing vessels owned and operated by Kitasoo Seafoods: Island Joye I, and Western Princess. Western Pacific is a joint venture with Canadian Fishing Company and fishes wild salmon and herring, while Island Joye I and Western Princess are 100% owned and operated by Kitasoo Seafoods and pack salmon from farm sites to the fish processing plant in Klemtu.
Kitasoo Seafoods is always looking for more employees.
Contact 250-839-1193 for more information.