image credit: Moonfish Media

The Kitasoo Housing Committee works in partnership and cooperation with the Elected Chief and Council and community members to provide safe, healthy and affordable housing for Kitasoo Xai’xais members and to implement the Housing Program through a fair, equitable and efficient application of housing policies.

The Housing Department does not receive fiscal funding. Nation housing is a partnership between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Indigenous Service Canada (ISC), and the Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation and its members. This means that we must meet our operational agreement to continue to receive subsidies for repairs, maintenance, and replacement items. ISC provides money for down payments, CMHC manages mortgages and subsidies, and the Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation members are responsible for paying their mortgages or rent.

*Effective immediately, the ratified Housing Policy is in effect – As of May 6th, 2018, the Community ratified and approved the new Housing Policy.

image credit: Moonfish Media

Housing Applications

The Housing Authority will, from time to time, announce that housing units or construction and renovation funding are available by publicly posting a Housing Committee posting and application forms. Housing Committee Postings will list the type of housing or funding available, how many units may be available, eligibility criteria, and the application deadline.

All applications must be submitted to the Housing Administration using the Housing Committee’s application forms. Applicants must provide an address or an e-mail at which the Housing Committee may deliver documents to the applicant. All documents delivered to the provided address or e-mail will be considered delivered.

image credit: Moonfish Media