
Fiordland Conservancy encompasses Kynoch and Mussel Inlets, their estuaries and the surrounding mountainous landscape.

The deep fiords and steep valleys allow little shore space for travel or camping. The vegetation is lush and grows high, obscuring visibility. This area is home to both grizzly and black bears, so travelling on shore can be dangerous and is not recommended unless you are experienced in backcountry wilderness travel.

Fiordland Conservancy is located within the Kitasoo Xai’xais First Nation territory and is co-managed under an agreement between the Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation and the Province of British Columbia.

Maps & Brochure

Please note: Any maps listed are for information only – they may not represent legal boundaries and should not be used for navigation.

Láiq (Mussel Inlet) Special Management Area

Although all estuary systems within the Fiordland Conservancy are sensitive and important ecosystems, Mussel Inlet (Láiq) is an especially significant system for bears and other wildlife.

Access to this highly sensitive area is closely monitored and guidelines are strictly enforced. During peak season (Aug 15-Oct 15) this area is managed jointly by BC Parks and the Kitasoo Xai’xais Guardians. When entering the area please contact the Kitasoo Xai’xais Guardians on Marine Channel 6.

May 1 – August 14:
See veiwing guidelines below

August 15-October 15:
Wildlife viewing only with a permitted guide

October 16-April 30:
Area closed to all wildlife viewing

The Mussel River and Poison Cove areas (Láiq) offer some of the most valuable habitat for bears and wildlife on the Central Coast. During the fall season bears feed almost exclusively on salmon. The amount of salmon a bear eats relates directly to its chance of survival during the winter.

Maintaining ecologically sustainable, safe, and culturally sensitive tourism opportunities is an important management objective for these areas. The potential exists to negatively impact bears and wildlife if they are continually displaced from highly productive areas. As such there are guidelines for appropriate behaviour when in this area to help ensure the integrity of these special and significant places are preserved in their natural state for future generations.

  • Public bear viewing is water-based only.
  • Jet boats are not permitted.
  • Use of drones is not permitted.
  • Maximum group size of 16 people total.
  • Firearms are not permitted below 1000ft.
  • No pets are permitted in viewing areas, see the designated dog walking area (on leash).
  • Camping is only permitted at the designated camp site.
  • Please do not take food onto land.
  • No smoking or fires.
  • Leave no trace. Do not leave anything
    behind, including compostable food, human waste and toilet paper.
  • Please do not take anything with you, such as flowers, wood, shells and cultural

Kitasoo/Xai’xais and BC Parks respectfully request a voluntary restriction on low-level aircraft access in the Láiq (Mussel Inlet) Special Management Area. This area offers high value critical habitat for bear and mountain goat, both of which are particularly sensitive to loud noise. Due to the high narrow valley topography of this area, the impacts from aircraft noise are increased. We request that flights occur at no less than 500m above the surrounding terrain and that this area be avoided by aircraft entirely unless required for emergencies or with previous approval.