Advancing Climate Solutions: Heat Pump Installations, Distribution Grid Upgrades, and Community Energy Planning
Project Lead: Bryn Armstrong
Heat Pump Projects and Maintenance
There are 89 out of 129 buildings in the Community that have been successfully fitted with heat pumps. The benefits of heat pumps include substantial savings on heating oil, as well as significant environmental benefits. Part-time heat pump maintenance technician job descriptions and training opportunities will be available shortly.
Distribution Grid Upgrades
A prolonged drought and low rainfall have resulted in a significant decline in lake levels. In order to keep the lake levels higher, our engineer John Wheeler is installing equipment to the hydro to slow the natural water flow to prevent water spillover and increase the lake’s capacity for water storage. If the lake maintains its minimum level, the hydropower system will generate more than enough electricity to meet the needs of the community, but if the lake drops below its minimum level and no water flows, no electricity is generated. In addition, transformers, streetlights, conductors, and poles have been upgraded, and electricity meters will be installed this summer.
Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEP)
Energy and emissions data have been collected, funding has been received, and community engagement is underway. Through the Community Energy Plan, the aim is to engage the community in determining climate priorities so that we can create a plan that is effective and reflects the interests of the community. Community engagement sessions are expected to take place in July and October. This CEP includes a current webpage to make it a living and usable tool. Our climate action committee members are offered honoraria. If you are interested, I’d love to hear from you! Email Bryn at